Wednesday, July 1, 2009

欢迎面临"月经疼痛,久婚不孕,流产,坐月妈妈,更年期女性"来信查询疑问.Welcome for all types of women diseases inquiries

天使基地无任欢迎面临女性各类疾病者, 只要您相信天使的存在,请将您的姓名, 年龄, 联络电话, 电邮地址寄致: 天使基地负责人将一一为您解开疑惑和寻求治疗方案, 提供您健康的身体和快乐的人生. "您健康, 所以我快乐."

Angel Base welcome all sort of inquiries regarding the women diseases. As long as you believe in the existence of 'Angel' , do not hesitate to send us e-mail along with your name/age/tel.number to our mailbox : Our Angel will help to answer your inquiries and provide best remedy of treatment for you.

"Your healthiness brings me happiness"

玉女生育配套(BEBECOM - 梦生丹)


梦生丹含当归、香附、白术、人参、柴胡、 熟地、苍术、白芍、甘草、川芎、仙灵脾等十多种草药,由保康制药厂采用现代高科技制药方法精制而成。保康制药厂拥有GMP, HACCP, ISO 2000HALAL资格证书。



当归(Radix Angelicae Sinensis

当归为伞形科植物当归Angelicae Sinensis的根。能补血和血,主治妇人绝子,血虚或血瘀。当归自古为妇科良药,实验证明,当归的有效成份藁本内酯(Ligustitide)对子宫 平滑肌收缩有抑制作用, 无论是早孕还是未孕子宫,藁本内酯均能使其平滑肌张力下降,收缩力减弱,节律变慢,而且作用时间长久,因此,藁本内酯有帮助怀孕的作用,能使受精卵子更容 易着床。当归具有活血化瘀的功能,可增加子宫的营养,尤其是可增加子宫细胞内的脱氧核糖核酸含量,从而促进子宫发育和子宫内膜的生长。当归还可抗贫血,促 进血红蛋白和红细胞的生成,并为子宫内正在发育生长的胚胎提供充足的营养。此外,当归具有治疗维生素E缺乏的作用,因而可用于安胎。


香附 Rhizoma Cyperus Rotundus L.

香附为莎草科植物Cyperus Rotundus的根茎。香附对子宫的治疗保健功能与当归相似,同样具有抑制子宫收缩,弛缓子宫肌张力的作用。香附内所含的香附烯I为雌激素原 Proestrogen),在女性体内转化后可形成活性更强的雌激素,能促进卵泡生长,增加黄体功能,起到促进排卵和调理月经的功能。香附内的香附烯I 和香附烯II对多种细菌均有一定的抑制作用,可防止细菌侵袭阴道、子宫、输卵管和卵巢等生殖器官,维持女性生殖系统的健康,从而起到帮助女性怀孕的作用。


白术(Rhizoma Atractylodes Macrocephala

白术为菊科植物Atractylodes Macrocephala的根茎。具有明显抑制子宫平滑肌兴奋性收缩的作用,疗效与当归相当。白术还具有扩张血管增强人体造血功能的作用,能显著促进红系 造血祖细胞的生成,达到补血的功能。此外,白术还可降血糖及血压。


熟地 (Radix Rehmannia Praeparata)

熟地为玄参科植物地黄Rehmannia Glutinosa Gaertn. Libosch, 经过加工的根茎,具有补血作用,可刺激骨髓,加快骨髓造血细胞的分化,增加红细胞、血红蛋白和血小板的数量。研究发现,熟地黄具有显著的生血功能,可 用于女性补虚和调理月经。


甘草 Radix Glycyrrhiza Uralensis

甘草为豆科植物甘草Glycyrrhiza Uralensis的干燥根和根茎。直古以来,甘草具有补虚,增强人体免疫系统功能的作用。甘草内含有的甘草酸、甘草酸胺, 能增强人体免疫系统,可防止多种病毒、细菌对子宫等女性生殖器官的侵袭,预防感染,维持子宫和卵巢的健康,从而起到帮助怀孕的作用。



柴胡 (Radix Bupleurum Chinense)

柴胡为伞形科植物柴胡Bupleurum Chinense的根。主治月经不调,子宫脱垂等病状。现代研究证明柴胡具有增强人体吞噬细胞的功能,可以抗菌以及抑制各种常见的致病病毒;因而能够预防 子宫、输卵管、卵巢和阴道的多种炎症和感染。


苍术 Rhizoma Atractylodes Lancea



川芎 (Rhizoma Ligustici ChuanXiong)

川芎为伞形科植物川芎Ligustici ChuanXiong的根茎。有活血化瘀的作用,主治经闭,难产,产后瘀阻腹痛等证,也可用于治疗女性月经不调,痛经等。


白芍 (Radix Paeonia Lactiflora)

白芍为毛莨科植物芍药Paeonia Lactiflora Pall. 的去皮干燥根。主治肝血亏虚及血虚之月经不调。实验证明,白芍中的白芍总甙 (Total Glucosides of PaeoniaTGP)具有增强免疫系统功能的作用,对各种炎症感染具有显著的治疗功效。


人参(Radix Panax Ginseng)

人参为五加参科植物人参 panax ginseng 的干燥根。具有促进性腺激素样作用,可增加卵巢和子宫重量,促进子宫及卵巢的发育,帮助女性排卵及受孕。


淫羊藿 (Herba Epimedium Brevicornum)

淫羊藿为小檗科植物Epimedium Brevicornum的全草。具有调理女性内分泌的作用,可增强女性性欲,促进卵巢排卵,帮助女性受孕。




香附内的香附烯I为一种雌激素原 Proestrogen),进入人体后,可转化为作用更强的活性物质,而该物质具有调理女性月经的作用;柴胡可治疗月经不调和子宫下垂等疾病;川芎、白芍可用于治疗女子月经不调和经闭痛经等症;淫羊藿可促进女性内分泌,维持女性月经周期的正常。



香附能增加黄体功能,可促进卵泡生长 并刺激和帮助排卵。人参的促性腺样激素作用既可增加卵巢和子宫的重量,促进子宫、卵巢发育,又可促进卵巢排卵。






当归、川芎、白芍等成份具有活血化瘀 的功效,能够保持输卵管的通畅,使受精卵容易到达子宫。



当归中的藁本内酯(Ligustitide),既 可增加子宫的营养,增加脱氧核糖核酸的含量,促进子宫的增生和发育,又可防止子宫收缩,因而具有帮助怀孕和保胎的作用。香附、白术均具有与当归相似的防止子宫收缩的功能。



当归具有防止维生素E缺乏的作用,因而 可用于保胎安胎。



香附内的香附烯I和香附烯II具有抑菌 的作用,可防止生殖系统感染发炎;柴胡对多种细菌和常见的致病病毒具有抑制作用,可预防子宫、输卵管、卵巢和阴道发炎;甘草和苍术具有抗菌作用,可保护生殖系统免受感染;白芍内的白芍总甙具有明显的抗炎症、抗感染的功效。



甘草中的甘草酸、甘草酸胺, 能增强 人体免疫系统功能,甘草次酸及其衍生物甘草酸钠,有抵抗子宫肿瘤的作用;苍术具有增强免疫功能和抗菌作用,能够维持子宫、输卵管、卵巢和阴道的健康;白芍所含的白芍总甙 (Total Glucosides of PaeoniaTGP),也可增强人体的免疫功能。



当归具有抗贫血、促进血红蛋白和红细 胞生成的作用,可用于补血补虚;白术能显著促进红系造血祖细胞的生成;熟地可刺激骨髓,增加血红蛋白、红细胞和血小板的数量;白芍可治疗肝血亏虚及血虚所引起的各种女性疾病;淫羊藿可增强女性性欲,防止性冷感。


子不孕症是一种病因非常复杂的疾 病,阴道、子宫、卵巢、输卵管等多种生殖器官的炎症和肿瘤或者发育不良、荷尔蒙失调、月经不调,输卵管阻塞、无排卵、卵子发育不良等多种疾病都可导致女性 不孕,因此很多女性朋友结婚多年无法怀孕,甚至终生都不能怀孕。尽管目前帮助怀孕的方法很多,包括中药西药、人工受孕、试管婴儿等,千奇百样,五花八门, 但是仍然有一些女性尽管尝试了各种方法,仍然终生无法满足心愿。梦生丹是刘哲峰医学博士20多年来专门治疗女性不孕症经验的结晶,经过超过600人的临床 验证。梦生丹治疗女性不孕的原理如下:



促进卵巢发育,刺激卵巢排出更多成 熟健康的卵子;保护卵子,使卵子免受生殖道内各种细菌、毒素的伤害;消除卵子对精子的排斥反应,使卵子容易受精为精卵。



维持阴道和子宫的酸性和碱性环境 为精子提供营养。



能使进入阴道、输卵管、子宫等生 殖道内的精子免受细菌、病毒等毒素的伤害,有利于精卵结合。



消除阴道、子宫、卵巢、输卵管的炎 症肿瘤,保持生殖道的通畅,这样既能促进阴道、子宫、卵巢、输卵管的发育和修养,使受精卵免受生殖道内各种毒素的伤害,更容易通过输卵管到达子宫,并种植于子宫内膜对身体产生的作用。又可使子宫不断地提供营养,以确保受精卵成功发育为胚胎,并继续生长。


梦生丹于月经前期(来经之前)服 用,可营养子宫,促进子宫内膜的增长,为受孕及受精卵着床创造条件;于月经中期服用,可促进卵泡发育,促进排卵,增强黄体功能;月经后期服用,可促进子宫的营养和血液循环,帮助受精卵着床并成功发育。






扬丽仙 40, Kelantan (惯性流产者顺利的生下期盼已久的第一个孩子)

30 岁那年结婚,婚后连续五、六年内怀孕五次, 但却没有一次成功生下一儿半女,这些胎儿似乎都跟我没有缘分,他们都在两、三个月内流产掉。还记得在我被证实第五次怀孕时,胎儿两个月时,我一直来红,最 后医生还是告诉我说:不行。在这样连败的情况之下,当我怀第五胎时,我那住在吉隆坡的妹妹也很想帮我,他告诉我, 她因服用了益福恩的保健品而改善了她的健康问题,他希望我也试试刘哲峰教授的产品,可是我当时却一口拒绝了他。

次的失败,年龄也渐大,心里其实是很恐慌的。在妹妹不断有意无意的提醒及分享之下,我慢慢的了解到公司的产品曾经帮助过无数的女性解决了他们流产的问题。 他不时的在电话中劝我买来吃。坦白说,像我这么一个一向来都不太接触中医中草药的人来说,我是怀疑多过相信的,我始终没有服用。结果第五胎的那一次的流 产,妹妹回乡时骂了我一顿, 同时软硬兼施的详细地给我说明产品的功能,那时我才开始服用产品。

两个多月后,我又再次怀孕,由于前车可鉴,于是请妹妹问清楚刘哲峰教授,看怀孕了是否还可继续服用?以及正确的服用量等问题。刘教授交代说: 医生的药照样服用, 同时每日服用三次的胶囊, 每次三~四粒(与服用西药隔开两小时), 每天炖一包的《玉女调理汤》服用, 服用到怀孕四个月时才停止。 为保住胎儿, 我听从刘教授的劝告, 但是我却很怕吃药,因此每日只服用两次的胶囊三粒及每星期只勉强的炖三到四次的《玉女调理汤》来喝。


非常感谢益福恩及刘教授. 由于信心已有, 产后我听取公司的建议继续服用产品, 以尽快达到朔身, 调整荷尔蒙,收缩子宫及防止子宫下垂,恢复我的健康体质。


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

玉女汤 (热卖中!)Femme Nutri Soup(HOT ITEM!)

完美女人"玉女汤" (热卖产品)
RM68nett(西马)RM75nett(东马),凡购买四瓶, 将获5% 折扣! 请勿错失良机.

天 使在人间多年来, 看过无数女性为了扮演多重角色而承受不少的压力. 女性不只在职场上要准备随时迎战, 千疮万孔回到家还要摇身一变贤妻良母照顾孩子和服侍丈夫, 没有家佣者还硬着头皮拖着疲惫的身子做家务.身为女人的您是否容易感到疲倦? 年纪尚轻却有苍老的迹象? 而完美女人玉女汤是中国专门研究古代营养食疗的医学博士-刘哲峰教授配制的一道汤品,是其二十多年来采用食疗方法治疗保健女性疾病经验的结晶。本品采用现 代制药和食品加工技术,在GMP,ISO和HACCP标准规范下,精心加工提炼浓缩而成,是当今最有特色的一道女性保健食品。其最大特点是口味纯正,方便 易服,疗效显著,无毒副作用。

特点: 免炖煮,即冲即饮,省时省力又方便。既可治病强身,又可用于日常进补,无论老幼均可饮用。

功能: 补气养血,养阴。疏肝,行气,活血调经。调理保养女性身体。生理期、怀孕期、坐月期、哺乳期及更年期均可饮用。

1. 经闭经痛,月经不调,经血紫暗,频见血块或经色淡红,质稀量少,或者崩漏下血,腰膝酸软,下肢无力,以及白带量多等症;

2. 气虚血亏之头晕疲倦,体弱多病;

3. 病后,产后,手术之后及操劳过度,身体失于调养所致之各种虚症,如头晕疲倦,无精打采,面色萎黄,失眠多梦,心悸健忘;

4. 贫血血虚,阴血不足所致的头晕耳鸣,疲倦腰酸,四肢无力,手脚麻痹,白发脱发,皮肤乾燥等症;

5. 脾虚肾亏所致之小便混浊,尿频夜尿,腹泻便溏及女子带多等症,肝炎患者服用,可养肝保肝;

6. 女性久婚不孕及怀孕后胎漏胎动不安,以及女性体弱习惯性流产等;

7. 妇女更年期出现心悸气短,头晕疲倦,胸闷心烦,潮热盗汗,心慌心跳,失眠多梦等各种不适;

8. 本品还有理想的美容养颜,除皱祛斑作用。少女食用,即可调经养血,又可促进身体生长发育。


使用量: 每次取15ml,加入温水或热水100-120ml,搅匀后饮用。一日1-2次。开瓶后请存放冰箱,并尽速用完。

1. 生理期保健:经前、经期或经后饮用,一日两次,一次15 ml,连服5-7天。

2. 助孕,安胎,每日服食二到三次,15-30天为一疗程。

3. 产后保养,宜于产后第三天开始,一次15 ml,一日2-3次,连服30-45天。

4. 小产及人工流产,宜于流产当日开始,连饮45天,一日2-3次。

5. 保健,美容,及普通进补宜每日服食1-2次。每周2-3天。


价格: RM68(WM) /RM75(EM)(备有荤/素) 150ml /bottle

司徒月凤 55岁,家庭主妇 (改善睡眠质素)虽然,饮用玉女汤才短短几天,但是,喝了之后,发觉每晚容易入睡,睡眠品质也更好,明显有别于以前喝中国茶、咖啡后难以入睡的情况。而早上醒来,更见精神不错。玉女汤带有当归,黑枣味道,喝入口感觉清甜,所以不会抗拒饮用,相信若继续饮用,身体状况必会更好。
See Toh Yuat Fong 55 years old,housewife (Improved my sleeping quality)
Although I just took Femme Nutri Soup for few days, I felt easy to fall asleep. It is different with when drank coffee or Chinese tea make me difficult to sleep.

While wake up in the following morning, I full of spirit. Femme Nutri Soup contains the taste of Angelica and black date, tasty. I believe that when I consume continuously, it will help me a lots.
陈淑群 50岁 (更年期全身酸痛消除,变得更有活力)



林惠凤 48岁,Kota Bahru (睡眠品质改善,经痛问题解除)



劳芝茵 38岁,Kota Bahru (改善怕冷,睡眠品质变好)


李律蒹 38岁,Sungai Petani (严重白带问题解除)

后 来,经一位亲戚的介绍,我开始尝试饮用完美女人 玉女汤。当时,由于想快点解决白带的问题,所以喝的比较频密,一天大概三次。完美女人玉女汤带有杞子的甘甜味道,一点也不会让人抗拒。喝了两个星期后,开 始感觉到体质明显改善,白带问题渐渐解除,而且不会那么容易感到疲累。由于年纪已经不算小了,因此,为了保养身体,我常将玉女汤当作保健食品饮用。至今我 已喝了几个月了。

Lee Bee Chen 38 years old,Sungai Petani (Solved Serious white discharge problem )
I had 2 children. Since few years ago, the serious white discharge problem troubled me. Additionally, my work tension also brings me pressure, make me lack of spirit, easy to feel sleepy.

Through my relative recommendation, I start to consume Femme Nutri Soup. Because I hope to solve my white discharge problem in short, I increase my dosages, I take 3 times in a day. Femme Nutri Soup contains the taste of Chinese berry, not hard to drink.

After consume for 2 weeks, I found my body become strengthen, the problem of white discharge solved gradually, at the same time not easy to get sleepy as well. Since I am not young, I feel is the right time for me to take extra care for my body. I treat Femme Nutri Soup as part of my life now. I drank for few months.


林丽玲 45岁,歌唱评审 (贫血改善、皮肤变红嫩)


Lum Lai Ling 45 years old,Singing Examiner (Improve anemia, skin complexion changes)
I having anemia since been born, so far my face do not have a good look. Sometimes before, my younger uncle introduces me to drink Femme Nutri Soup, but during that time Femme Nutri Soup not yet launch the convenient pack. I felt troubles then just ignore it.

Until last year-end, my younger uncle introduces again the same to me but with the convenient pack. I realize that when woman reach that ages is better to take care of her own self. Since the product is not required to cook or boil, I try it straightly. This is the 1st time I consuming health care product, after a short period, I found my face look pinky, easy to fall asleep, my spirit of good. Now I am having my 9th bottles of Femme Nutri Soup. I recommended Femme Nutri Soup to my other friends as well.


冯莉萍 42岁,幼儿园老师 (喝完美女人玉女汤-改善眩晕、精神不佳)

饮 用了朋友介绍的完美女人玉女汤一个月后就看到效 果,自己的身子已不再容易感觉疲倦,就算是上课一整天也可保持着精神奕奕。逾3个月后,Ms Fong的突发性眩晕获得显著改善,现在已较少发作。后来,他将玉女汤介绍给亲朋戚友及家长们,分享他服用玉女汤后精神大好的经验。大家服用后都感觉效果 非常满意。

Feng Li Ping 42 years old,Kinder Garden Teacher (Improve my dizziness, and my spirit of poor)
Before I consuming the Femme Nutri Soup, I facing a problem of transient recurrent vertigo, each time when I rise or look up or when walking in the height I would feel dizzy. Especially when I am lack of sleep. At the same time, I having poor spirit, feel sleepy always. I did consume some health care products, but not take effectives.

I see my effect after consuming Femme Nutri Soup for 1 month, that a friend introducing to me. Now I felt not easy to get tired, even I finished my whole day teaching. 3 month later, my sudden dizziness is significantly improved. Later, I recommend Femme Nutri Soup to my relatives and students parents as well. Everyone is satisfied with the product.


杨竹君 35岁,Kelantan (喝完美女人玉女汤-调理至经血顺畅无阻)

数年前我生了第二胎之后,便把所有心思放在孩子身上,做个全职家庭主妇,在家看顾小孩。每到半夜,都被孩子的哭闹声吵醒,于是起身喂奶,可是往往在那段时 间起床后,就变得难以入眠。由于常常睡眠不足,导致隔天精神不振,容易疲倦,常常打瞌睡,长久下来,健康也每况愈下。

Yang Zhu Jun 35 years old, Housewife (Regulating the circling flows of menstrual smooth)
After I had give birth of my second child, I pay full attention on my child, I to be a full-time housewife at home and to look after my child. Every night, I awakened up by my child by the sound of his crying, so I have to stand up and give him milk-feeding, but unfortunately, once wake up, it becomes difficult for me to continues my sleep. As a result of lack of sleep, leading me to apathetic in the next day, I feel easily tired, and like dozed off, my health deteriorating because of this practice.

In addition, each menstrual period comes, the blood flow be more than the volume of the case. Although the arrival of menstruation is punctual, but during the first 3 days of the arrival of the menstruation, it produce a large number of volume, and it often flow out of blood clots, which makes me feel very uncomfortable in my lower abdomen.

3 months ago, I started taking Femme Nutri Soup, days after this conditioning period, my menstruation more smoothly if compare with previous, it reduce blood clots, and volume also back to the normal level. In addition, after consuming the Femme Nutri Soup, I feel easier to sleep and my mental condition has improved.


杜欣玲 21岁,学生 (喝完美女人玉女汤-改善多年的贫血症)

她 亲戚得悉她一直以来患有贫血,于是就介绍她喝玉 女汤。从去年12月到现在,她共服用了4瓶玉女汤,并且在饮用首支玉女汤后就发现,蹲下起身时不再觉得像以前那么晕,直到喝完第4瓶后,感觉她自己的贫血 症获得显着的改善,精神充沛了许多。现在甚至还将玉女汤推荐给周围的女性朋友呢!

Du Xin Ling 21 years old, Student (Get improvement on anemia for many years)
Du Xin Ling with anemia for many years. Since young, when she squat then stand up, she often feels dizzy. Her mother did bough many traditional tonic products for her, but the improvement was very limited. Additionally, she didn’t like the taste of the tonic products, so the problem of anemia was not improved. Once growth, during the student life, she often stay up all nights to study caused her apathetic all the way.

Her relatives noticed then recommended Femme Nutri Soup to her. She did consumed total of 4 bottles of Femme Nutri Soup so far. When she finished the first bottle, she does not have the same felling as before once squat, until she finished the 4th bottle, she found that she improved a lots and full of spirit. Now she starts to recommend the same to her friends that surrounding.


叶秀媚 33岁,Cheras (喝完美女人玉女汤-脸上油粒变少,有光泽)


Melody Yap 33 years old, Accountant (Oil tablets on face become fewer and look shiny)
Before consuming Femme Nutri Soup, once she encountered pressure during her work, her menstrual circle will not on time. At the same time, she will feel very tired after lunch break during her duty day. Besides this, her face also dull and growth of oil tablets, sometimes the beautician of beauty saloon had to spend more than an hour to clear up her face for this oil tablets.

After a friend introduced her to consume Femme Nutri Soup for two months, she found herself menstruation become punctually, and she also feel that the problems that she facing before- mental and physical strength were significantly improved, even after lunch break she do not feel tired now, and even the beauticians are surprised that the oil tablets on her face become fewer, her face look more shiny now!


邱美燕 37岁, Cheras (喝完美女人玉女汤-经血量恢复正常)

Khoo Bee Yen 37 years old, Cheras (Menstrual blood flow volume back to normal)
Before consuming Femme Nutri Soup, Khoo Mei-Yan, who work as a teacher feeling that she lack of spiritual always. She also disclosed that during menstrual period, she just get small amount of blood and at the same time feel her body chills so that her hands and feet always feeling cold.

After consumed the Femme Nutri Soup for a short period, she immediately see the results, she full of spiritual and restore back her menstrual blood flow volume. She said that the Femme Nutri Soup taste good, is sweet taste and no taste of herbs, it is easy to be accepted, friends who do not like the herbs taste also can accept.

She said that every time she would like to mix the soup taste more heavy, but the boss telling her should follow the instructions that given.


June Lee 35岁,Klang (喝完美女人玉女汤-改善经期迟来的困扰)


June Lee 35 year old,Klang (Improve my disorder of menstrual)
35-year-old June said her inconsistence timing of menstrual problem happen since she was junior, the phenomenon of menstrual delayed two to three months once, this problem even after giving birth still has not been improved. Every time menstrual will suffer lower abdomen pain and the body will be cold. This problem borders June for long time.

Since taking the Femme Nutri Soup, June's menstrual distress was significantly improved. Beginning, the problem of delayed menstruation gradually improve from the delay of two to three months in advance to 45 days, while a row after taking over a period of time menstrual arrive in a month time.

During this treatment period June's body is no longer chills, but also to the provisional menstrual pain are no longer.


叶爱微 29岁, 槟城 (玉女汤是我经痛的剋星)

自从加盟新东家以来, 我被恼人的工作占据大部分时间, 甚至连上厕所的空档都没有. 繁重的工作加上人事的压力, 把我的身体搞垮了. 以前我从未体验过经期的痛苦, 甚至对因为经痛而拿病假是很不解的. 这种幸福的日子就在几个月来的压力下破灭了.

每当经期开始, 我的坏脾气也随之而来. 经期时除了饱受腹涨疼痛, 腰膝酸软, 下肢无力, 头晕及暗疮的烦恼, 还得超时工作, 令我的身体状况每况愈下. 在逼不得已的情况下, 我必须找寻治疗的方法. 对西药敬而远之的我在机缘的撮合下, 通过风采杂志发现了"玉女汤" 的踪迹. 由于"玉女汤" 是采用纯草药配制而成的食品, 生产工厂也建在本地, 受到政府的严厉管制, 所以我才对它倍具信心. 原本担心味道苦涩, 岂料淡淡的酸甜结合体令我十分开胃.

在服用了玉女汤的一个月后, 我发现经痛已经有所改善, 身边的朋友都发现我的脾气好多了. 另一方面, 为了提供给未来的宝宝一个最优质的胚胎成长环境, 我已开始养成每天服食玉女汤的习惯, 时刻调理身子, 以便将来能顺利地诞下健康的宝宝.


杜思莹 17岁,麻坡 (完美女人玉女汤-不受“好朋友”的影响,以最佳的精神状态应付学业考试)

爸 爸知道我的烦恼时,他买了完美女人玉女汤给我服 用。记得在服用了1瓶时,正巧时我的月经周期来到,当时我觉得我的精神状况非常好,不像过去般来经时那么累。那时也是我学校的SPM模拟考试期,由于精神 状况没有受到来经的症状影响,我可以精神奕奕的应付我这一次的考试。成绩公布时,我发现我的成绩有进步。
当我连续服用完美女人玉女汤一个月后,也是学校SPM文凭考试的前几天。我的 月经周期也快到了,这一次,我的肚子没有痛,月经也准时来。我觉得精神气色也比以前好很多。希望这次的考试我能考到更好的成绩。

Toh Shi Ying 17 year old,Muar (Facing my school examination with full of spiritul)
I am currently attending Form5. Each time when period arrive I will felt fatigue, indirectly affect my study. At the same time, each time menstrual cycle not on time, often late for 7-10 days, when it came always accompany with stomach pain.

When daddy know my annoyance, he bought me the Femme Nutri Soup, I remembered when taking the first bottle, happened that is during my period cycle, I felt more energetic less fatigue unlike the past, At that time was my school SPM mock examinations period, as a that time I have full strength and prepared to this examination. When the results announce, I found that my performance has improved.

I continue took the Femme Nutri Soup for a month few days before SPM diploma examination, my menstrual cycle nearly coming, this time, don’t suffer from pain, menstrual also on time. I think the physically and mentally become well than before. Hope I can obtain good result on this examination.


杨丽琴 33岁, Puchong (完美女人玉女汤-背后脊椎骨处细毛消失了,做个真正的完美女人)

从事会计行业的我,一直以来,月经都不曾准时“报到”,而且每次月经来潮时都会流出黑色的血块。 由于经血已结成血块,经痛更是加剧,有时还会痛得飙泪,情绪也因此产生很大的波动。 只要生理期一到,我就会容易感到疲倦,而且腰酸背痛也会随之而来。生理期间再加上工作繁忙及压力大,脾气就会变得十分暴躁。
记 得喝第一瓶的时候是在上个月的生理期过后,喝了完美女人玉女汤之后,这个月的月事果然来得非常准时,而且顺畅无阻,不再流出黑色血块,经血也变红了,经痛 问题也跟着减轻了。 最可喜的是,这一次的月经来潮,感觉变得轻松许多,我不再感到腰酸背痛,即使是工作时间长也不会觉得疲倦。 如今,我不必再为经痛而烦恼了。
在 持续地服用了三个月后,我发现皮肤也比较以前更 加细嫩。更加意外的发现从小到大都令我很遗憾的不完美缺陷都解决了。那是自我懂事以来就困扰着我的背后脊椎骨处长满细毛,读大学时室友发现时令我很尴尬难 堪,也令我一直耿耿于怀,没想到现在既然不知不觉中完全消失了,虽然还看到毛孔还明显的粗大过其它部位,但是我相信不久的将来还会改善。所以我还持续每月 服用3~4瓶完美女人玉女汤。

Young Lay Kim 33 year old, Puchong (The fine hair of my back vanished, become a real perfect woman)
I am engaged in the accounting profession, my period has always not on time, and each time when outflow the menstrual blood in black and in clot form. Due to formed blood clots, causes accelerate period pain; also have great emotional fluctuations.

When the period time, I will feel tired easily, and follow by back pain. During this time with tide busy and pressure working environment, causing very bad temper.

One time I went back to my hometown at Kelantan, friends see me suffer being tortured by this period problem, introduced the Femme Nutri Soup, it give me unexpected good result to my problem.

I remember after my period I started my first bottle, when the period time following month was in a month time (on time), and smooth access, no more black blood clots, the color of menstruation have changed red, PMS pain alleviated.

The most gratifying is menstrual feeling easier, I no longer feel the back pain, even the long working hours will not feel tired. Today, I no longer worry about the pain. In continuing to take the soup three months later, I found that my skin is more soft and smooth. Since I was young I had an unusual fine hair along the back of spine, one time at when I am at university my secret had discovered by my roommate and it make me felt very embarrassed, and I have been brooding all this time, without my notice those hairs had completely disappeared, although still having large pores and I believe it will have improvement in the near future. Therefore, I also sustained a month taking 3 to 4 bottles of the Femme Nutri Soup so I was able to restore health, to be a really perfect woman.


郭喜莲 35岁, Kepong (完美女人玉女汤-重现产后女性魅力)


Koh Hee Lian 35 year old, Kepong (Reappears the post-natal feminine charming)
Guo Xi Lian, she is a mother of four. Just giving birth to her 4th child, her body became very weak, although, as usual with the confinement, but for this time of confinement, she doing it without care, during confinement period the body does not completely make up a good tune, result she getting white discharge disorder.

In fact, after the birth the production of white discharge unusual and increase in volume, also a result of genital itching, which are extremely uncomfortable, add on poor confinement care, the white discharge disorder becomes serious.

Post-natal weak body coupled with poor confinement during the tune up, the body becomes feebler; limbs, often feel cold, and easy to get cold.

Even worse is that, she is unable to obtain the sufficient sleep every day, wake up in the morning still have tired look, holds the exhausted body to go to work, the work often appears listless.

In an occasion, a friend introduced her the Femme Nutri Soup. After drank, she really feel the different, she had not thought that can obtain that good curative effect. Had the very big improvement gradually in the energetic aspect, even if after work, still very energetic, the body no longer feel tired, which made her more dynamic whole person.

More importantly, the problem of white discharge greatly improved, but the body has become stronger than before, no longer feel cold. Femme Nutri Soup restore her health, let her become energetic, hormonal disease-ridden are no longer. The Femme Nutri Soup bring her unprecedented satisfaction.


蔡依(女夆) 41岁,Kota Bahru (完美女人玉女汤-改善经期早到的困扰)我本身是一位素食者,在饮食方面多以蔬菜为主,但由于在饮食方面没有特别讲究健康饮食,所以身体也没有细心的调理。

Chua Geok Fong 41 year old,Kota Bahru (Improve my disorder of menstrual)
I am a vegetarian, in the diet mostly vegetables, but because in the diet did not pay attention to healthy eating; therefore the body also does not have the careful recuperation.

All along, I have very few health care products, coupled with work pressure and mental stress problems, the physical condition of a gradual decline. Before that, I often appeared on the menstrual disorders, twice menstrual in a month, looked for a specialist diagnosis and treatment, the medicine doesn’t help. One day, a friend sees my poor face complexion, strongly recommend me the vegan Femme Nutri Soup.

Since I drank the soup, my physique improved significantly, after one month, the beginning of menstruation changed on time, once a month, mental condition has improved, when working would not be easily feel tired.

Now, I have always continued to drink the Femme Nutri Soup, and also to introduce friends to take in order to allow them to benefit.

宋秀玲 43岁,Melaka (完美女人玉女汤-强肾补腰)最初,我只把完美女人玉女汤当作保健饮品,饮用完美女人玉女汤已有四个月了。
Song Siew Ling 43 year old,Melaka (Strengthen my kidney functions)
At first, I only treat the Femme Nutri Soup as a health care drink; I had drunk this soup for four months. Recently started to feel its curative effect. Before this soup I often feels backache and incapable, and also looked for Chinese medicine and doctors commend that I have weak kidney. After taking the Femme Nutri Soup, I felt that the kidney was quite in functional, particularly on moved the heavy item, not easily get tired.

After this soup recuperation I discovered during excretions of urine and empty bowel become easy and smooth. This soup let me restore the feminine and energetic.

王秀美 36岁,Petaling Jaya (完美女人玉女汤-气色肤质改善)经过朋友的介绍下,我尝试喝了三瓶完美女人玉女汤,我有幸见证了它的疗效。

Ong Sheu Bee 36 year old,Petaling Jaya (Improvement of complexion)
After a friend's introduction, I had tried three bottles of the Femme Nutri Soup, I was privileged to witness its effect.

Before taking this Femme Nutri Soup, my period often early, and there will be a lot of blood clots, result period pain, I feel very uncomfortable, indirectly affect my lifestyle, so I've always wanted to improve this kind of problem.

Drink the first bottle of the Femme Nutri Soup that month, when menstruation, blood clots had reduced compares previous mouth. Until I drank the third bottle, menstruation problems had improve, blood clots reduce follow with period pain no longer entangled me.

More recently energetic, not easily feel tired, the skin smoother than before, no longer rough, friends say, my complexion better than before.
Femme Nutri Soup: best convenient health care product
RM68 nett(WM) RM75(EM), buy 4 bottles and enjoy 5% discount! Don't miss it!

Femme Nutri Soup, the health care soup formulated by Dr Liu Zhe Feng, the Doctor of Medicine specializes in studying ancient nutritional food therapy. It is the fruit of his over twenty years of experience in using food therapy to treat females’ diseases. Femme Nutri Soup, the featured females’ health care food is prepared by extraction and concentration method using modern pharmaceutical and food-processing technology, under the environment conforms to GMP, ISO and HACCP standard. Femme Nutri Soup, with its original and pure taste is a convenience that requires no effort in preparation. It has obvious, effective results without bringing any side effects or poisoning effects. more >>

Femme Nutri Soup is available in meat and vegetarian formula. Meat formula made up of extraction of black – boned chicken and a blend of valuable herbs whereas vegetarian formula consists of premium black bean instead of black – boned chicken with the combination of other valuable herbs.

To remain youthful, healthy with pretty looks, females have to grasp at three vital chances, namely during the menstrual period, confinement period and menopause period to regulate and restore their health.

Every menstrual period is the best opportunity to regulate and restore health. Thus, females should treat every menstrual period as confinement period. Femme Nutri Soup is an indispensable nature’s health care gift to help ladies in deficiency of both qi and blood.

Be pregnant and give birth after getting married are sacred mission awarded to females. Females’ body will go through a tremendous set of changes to help their babies grow inside them. For example, continuous embryo cells division, gradual weight gain, shifting of organs, change in figure and large-scale accumulation of melanin. All these will be life long and could not be getting rid off if they do not regulate their body in time after delivering baby. Femme Nutri Soup soothes the liver, promotes the circulation of qi, nourishes the blood and promotes blood circulation. It is a perfect health care product during pregnancy and postnatal care.

New mothers are definitely stressed by what they saw in mirror, their ungainly appearance – flabby tummy, arms and legs, thicker waist, excess flab and more. They could easily fall prey to post – natal depression if they are unable to regain pre – pregnancy looks. In many Asian societies, new mothers still observe traditional confinement period and practices, which have been handed down through generations. They will still look beautiful and svelte than before. Among western women, however, is the belief that their “bad” health is due to not being able to follow Asian traditional confinement practices. Predominantly a Chinese practice, this one month period known as the confinement period is believed to be a crucial time where the new mother’s strength and vitality must be properly replenished to prevent ailments. Apart from being a preventive measure against health problems, certain ingredients used in the special diet during the confinement period is also intended to help boost the body for milk production. However, the confinement diet had been extremely miscellaneous and requires plenty of time in their preparation. Limited time and ability often hindered the diet to be prepared properly. Femme Nutri Soup is just a complete solution for you. Femme Nutri Soup invigorates qi, nourishes the blood. It is simply a safe and effective convenience for you ! The ingredients of Femme Nutri Soup make up the core of confinement diet due to their distinctive health – enhancing values targeted at strengthening and boosting the vitality of the new mother.

A pregnancy can be aborted due to accidental trauma or natural causes during pregnancy or can be induced. The side effects of abortion are serious and most commonly long lasting. These side effects of abortion may not be evident until later in life when disease takes over the body or irritating symptoms that go untreated is developed. The process of abortion is physically and emotionally tiring and exhausting. Abortion results in cervical damage, which results in permanent weakening of the cervix, which, in turn, is unable to carry the weight of a later pregnancy. The occurrence of abortion independently and significantly increased the risk of subsequent development of secondary infertility. The chance of not being able to bear future children increases after an abortion. Moreover, economic factor often forced women to work immediately, engaged in job that exert strength and rack brains after had an abortion thereby making their body weaker. Consumption of Femme Nutri Soup after had an abortion is crucial where the woman’s strength and vitality must be properly replenished.

Women go through an inevitable stage of menopause when they stop having monthly menstrual cycle. It is a time of many changes for women. They experience multiple physical and psychological symptoms. For instance, dizziness, flushed in faces, palpitation, increase in blood pressure, giddiness, tinnitus, blurred vision, poor memory power, insomnia, anxiety, depression, mood swings easily. To lessen the symptoms and make your body healthier, Femme Nutri Soup is your solution of most menopausal woes ! Femme Nutri Soup reinforces the kidney, strengthens the bone, regulates females’ hormone. It is of a neither hot nor cold nature, with pure and mild taste. Moreover, it is featured with effective results without any side effects and convenient to consume. It definitely suits menopausal females and becomes the life partner of them !
Features Needs no effort in preparation, ready to drink, saves time, energy & convenient. Helps to treat diseases, strengthens body. Suitable as a tonic for all ages.
Function Invigorates qi, nourishes blood, nourishes yin, soothes the liver, promotes the circulation of qi, promotes blood flow to regulate menstruation; regulates and takes care of females’ health. Suitable for consumption during menstrual period, pregnancy, confinement period after childbirth, lactation period and menopause period.
Suitable for
1. amenorrhea, menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, dark, purple, light red menstrual blood, frequent appearance of clot in menstrual blood, light menstrual flow, metrorrhagia & metrostaxis, lassitude in loin and knee, weak lower limbs, leukorrhagia.

2. dizziness and tiredness due to deficiency of qi and blood, weak & often ill

3. deficiency syndrome after an illness, operation, post – partum; overwork; negligence in taking good care of health. For example, feel dizzy, tire, listless, haggard & pallid complexion, insomnia & dreamful sleep, palpitation & amnesia.

4. dizziness & tinnitus, tiredness & soreness of waist, myasthenia of limbs, paralysis of limbs, hair graying & hair loss, skin dryness due to anemia & deficiency of blood.

5. cloudy urine, frequent micturition, nocturia, diarrhea, loose stool, leukorrhagia due to insufficiency of spleen and deficiency of the kidney. For hepatitis patient, Femme Nutri Soup nourishes & protects the liver.

6. acyesis after getting married for long time, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, threatened abortion, habitual abortion due to body weakness.

7. discomfort during menopause period. For instance, palpitation & short breath, dizziness & tiredness, chest distress & vexation, tidal fever & night sweat, insomnia & dreamful sleep.

8. beauty & health preservation purpose. Smoothens lines & wrinkles, fades away spots & pigmentation. For young girl, Femme Nutri Soup regulates menstrual and nourishes blood, promotes growth & development.

Femme Nutri Soup is an essential health care drink for ladies. Continuous consumption helps to reduce & prevent various types of females’ diseases.
Dosage Mix 15ml of Femme Nutri Soup with 100ml to 120ml of warm / hot water. Stir evenly before drinking. 1 to 2 times daily. Keep refrigerated once opened and finish the contents as soon as possible.
Course of Treatment / Health Care Purpose
1. Health Care During Menstruation
Consume Femme Nutri Soup at pre – menstrual, menstruation or post menstrual period. 15ml each time, 2 times daily. Consume continuously for 5 to 7 days.

2. Enhance fertility
2 to 3 times daily, 15 to 30 days is considered as one course of treatment.

3. Health preservation after childbirth
Start consuming Femme Nutri Soup on the 3rd day after childbirth and continue for 30 to 45 days.15ml each time, 2 to 3 times daily.

4. Miscarriage and induced abortion
Start consuming Femme Nutri Soup on the day of abortion happened. Consume continuously for 45 days. 2 to 3 times daily.

5. For health care, beauty, tonifying purpose, consume 1 to 2 times daily, 2 to 3 days weekly.

Cautions: bstinence from being angry, control emotion. Abstain from cold, oily, sour, spicy and fried food. For those who suffered from serious gynaecological disease, please consult professional doctor for treatment.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"玉女宝" FEMMECARE 让您享受为人母亲的喜悦 (English Version below)

贵为女性调补珍品之一的玉 女寶是一種女性專用的保健品.無論哪一年齡層次的女士服用,玉女寶都會毫無限制的將體內毒素通過腸道,尿道,血道,淋巴道等四大途徑排出體外.本品集醫療 保 健,美容,排毒于一體;具有滋補,營養,調理保健女性子宮,卵巢,垂體等多個重要臟器;調理女荷爾蒙,并增加女性夫妻生活樂趣等多項特點。

野人參: 治贫血,腎臟病,子宮病;促進血液運行,振作精神,提高免疫功能。
冬蟲草: 補肺腎,壯元氣,益精髓,加強生殖系統功能。
杜 仲: 補腰腎,稳固胎盘,入肝補虚,肝主筋,則強筋健骨。
肉 桂: 對老人體弱者,扶火歸陽,温中逐寒,強胃健脾,提升消化系統功能。
當 歸: 補血清血排毒素,潤腸胃泽皮膚,增強子宮收縮舒張功能。
川 芎: 行氣開郁,消除頭痛眩暈,補肝散風,治婦人經血之病。
地 黃: 功能涼血熱,滋陰養血,養心益肺,通血脈,填骨髓,長肌肉。
調經草: 通經收斂藥,消水行血,調經解毒,通大小便,治血風胎漏。
丹 參: 促進血液循環,紅血球旺盛;增加細胞新陳代謝,抗酸防老.

玉女寶的最大特點乃是中西醫結合的理論為基礎,根據古典的中醫原理,從女性體內的肝,脾,腎及沖任二脈來加以調理;然后再結合現代醫學的生理,病理及荷爾 蒙理論,選擇中藥中經現代醫學研究,證實對女性子宮,卵巢及荷爾蒙具有調理作用的中藥成份來調理營養,滋補女性體內子宮,卵巢等重要臟器並且調節平衡女性 荷爾蒙,消除一切婦女暗病雜症。

激 素,又稱荷爾蒙,進入血液分佈全身;對人體的新陳代謝,生長發育和繁殖起重要調節作用。女性負起生育的天職,生理構造自然特殊。玉女寶促進女性體內雌體 素,雄激素,孕體素分泌正常,加強生殖系統功能,使胎兒健全孕育,順利分娩.玉女寶調節女性荷爾蒙处於平衡狀態,消除婦女更年期的一切暗病雜症。






价格: RM138 (西马) RM145 (东马) (500g x 60 粒)


陈氏夫妇 Kuching

我們结婚后生下一个女儿, 在没有任何避孕措施下, 接下来的五年里都无法再怀孕, 因此着急无比. 到处寻找处方及补品, 吃了不少产品, 可是多年来却都无法如愿再次怀孕.

2006年中,从朋友口中得知刘哲峰教授的产品曾经帮助了很多女性解决不孕的问题, 于是向益福恩古晋代理了解后, 买了三盒《玉女宝》开始服用. 一个 月后也正是12月份, 正好刘哲峰教授受邀来古晋举行健康讲座会, 于是买票去听, 同时会后给刘哲峰教授把脉咨询. 刘教授告知我的子宫寒及卵巢开始改 善, 继续调养下去应该就可受孕.

他建议我《玉女宝》的服用量增加到每日三次,每次三到四粒, 同时再加《玉女调理汤》(可服用目前改良玉 女汤,方便服用 ), 每星期炖一包来喝. 结果在听从刘教授的方法服用了一个多月后, 月经没来了, 我到妇产科检查结果是我怀孕了. 当时的心情是多么的开心, 总算让我如愿以偿了. 于是就请益福恩代理代问刘教授, 怀孕后还可服用 么. 刘教授告知《玉女宝》继续服用到三到四个月才停止. 产后再继续服用以调整荷尔蒙, 补血, 收缩子宫与避免子宫下垂及塑身.

在2007年尾我顺利的生下了一个儿子. 非常感谢益福恩保健有限公司, 刘哲峰教授, 及当地代理及好友.

Joyce Chin 30岁 Kota Kinabalu

我结婚三年仍然无法怀孕, 经过检查后, 证实是我的子宫及卵巢太弱而无法受孕, 因此吃了不少的补品如当归,高丽参及某些保健品等. 花了很多钱却还是没有结果.

在一个偶然的机会, 在一个宴会上碰到一位小学同学, 问我为何还不生个孩子, 我告诉她我的情况. 她告诉我曾听说西马有个叫刘哲峰教授的产品曾经帮助过一些因子宫寒或卵巢不能正常排卵的女性怀孕, 於是我托她帮我打听刘教授的联络处. 结果兜兜转转的才得知那间经销公司已经没有了, 还好最后从刘哲峰教授的《脉中行》书中得到其公司电话.

致电询问后才被告知刘哲峰教授的系列产品目前由益福恩保健有限公司以传统方式在推广着. 正好我先生要出差到吉隆坡, 於是交代他到公司去了解. 回来时就买了三个月疗程的《玉女宝》与《玉女调理汤》给我. 他则买了《动力源》来服用. 在服用了三个月后发现怕冷的情况改善了, 腰酸不再, 精神状况好很多, 却未有怀孕. 於是打电话到益福恩去询问, 在转问刘教授后, 建议我再服用多三个月. 由于听说之前有好多成功的例子, 就姑且再试多一个疗程.
过后我才多服用半个月后就发现月经没来, 经检测后证实我怀孕了. 那心情真是非笔墨语言能形容. 因此马上致电 询问可否继续服用, 公司负责人建议服用到三个月. 同时解说产后为何要继续服用《玉女宝》. 现在我都长期服用《玉女宝》了.当然每三个月都会停约一个月. 感谢益福恩公司及刘教授的好产品, 告诉大家, 我又怀孕了, 2008年尾我的第二个宝宝将会诞生.

扬丽晶  38岁  Kelantan

我结婚多年也怀孕多次, 但却没有一次成功, 胎儿都在几个月内流产掉. 在我证实第五次怀孕时, 我那住在吉隆坡的妹妹告诉我, 她因服用了益福恩的保健品而改善了她的健康问题而成为益福恩的代理商. 我 因此了解到公司的《玉女宝》曾经帮助过无数的女性解决了及流产问题. 他在电话中劝我买来吃. 我一向来都不太接触中医中草药, 所以也不太相信. 结果那一次最后还是流产了. 过后妹妹回乡时骂了我一顿, 同时详细地给我说明, 我才开始服用《玉女宝》.

过了两个月后我又再怀孕了, 於是叫妹妹问清楚刘哲峰教授怀孕了还可服用吗, 以及服用量. 刘教授交代说: 医生的药照样服用, 同时每日服用三次, 每次三~四粒(与服用西药隔开两小时), 每个星期炖三次《玉女调理汤》服用, 服用到怀孕四个月才停止. 为保住胎儿, 我听从刘教授的劝告, 但是我却很怕吃药, 因此每日服用两次《玉女宝》三粒及每星期炖两次《玉女调理汤》喝.

很开心的诉告大家, 经过调理后,最后我总算顺利的生下期盼已久的第一个孩子.

非常感谢益福恩及刘教授. 由于信心已有, 产后我听取公司的建议继续服用《玉女宝》, 以尽快达到朔身, 调整荷尔蒙, 收缩子宫及防止子宫下垂, 恢复我的健康体质.

林诗敏  23岁  吉隆坡

本人每月都面对月经周期的困扰, 已经多年, 每当月事来潮时都痛不欲生, 几乎无法工作, 因此而拿病假是常有的事, 我还以为这是女性必然面对的月事. 最近几个月开始出现淡白色的液体.

在一次偶然情况下与前同事谈起, 才知道那是可以改善的. 因为她妹妹也曾经经历过类似我的情况, 后来经过妈妈的朋友介绍某种产品服用而改善至痊愈. 於是我托她帮助我拿那个产品合子给我, 经过电话局查询到公司的电话, 於是我马上打电话到益福恩询问. 从电话中我告诉公司负责人我的情况后, 得到答案是《玉女宝》可以帮助我减轻经痛及体质虚弱所引起的白带, 但是必须一到三个月的疗程. 於是我就先买了两合《玉女宝》开始服用, 果真在月事来潮时, 就感觉到没有以前那么痛了, 经过三个月的疗程后, 白带问题也解决了. 同时我也发现以前早上醒来时都感觉好像睡不够, 不想起床, 现在每次醒来时, 都能够精神抖擞的马上起床. 现在我还继续服用《玉女宝》以保持我的身体健康.

Julie  48岁  Johor

我 在去年尾, 月经忽然无故缺席, 而且脚部外皮层处时有麻痹感, 胸闷, 脾气异常暴躁, 无法安眠, 感觉全身不适, 痛苦不堪. 通过朋友咨询刘哲峰教授后, 才知道原来(月经不再来)是更年期症候群.於是听取建议, 开始服用《玉女宝》与《调气顺》来调理身体. 经过一个月的调理后, 那些不适的症状已很少出现了. 如今我还长期服用《玉女宝》以保持身体的健康.

FemmeCare is a health care product that specially formulated for ladies It eliminates toxins in the body of all ages of ladies via intestines, urethra, blood vessels and lymph ducts. FemmeCare combines the function of medical health care, beauty treatment and detoxifying. It nourishes, regulates and takes care of ladies’ uterus, ovary, pituitary and other important organs while regulates female sex hormones and helps women enjoy fulfilling intimate moments.

Unique & Valuable Formulation of FemmeCare

Wild Ginseng: Cures anemia, kidney disease, uterus disease, promotes blood circulation, enables you to be in high spirits, increase immunity

Cordyceps Sinensis: Tones up the lung and kidney, strengthens the body’s strength, supplements marrow essence, strengthens the function of the reproductive system

Radix Angelicae Sinensis: Enriches & cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body, lubricates the intestines, restores skin lustre, increases the tightening up and expansion function of uterus.

Radix Bupleurum Chinense: Cures metreptosis, irregular menstruation, fatigue due to blood deficiency and deficiency of yin.

Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae: Invigorates blood circulation, eliminates stasis, cures amenorrhea due to blood stasis, cures menstrual pain, enriches the blood to regulate menstrual cycle, cures haggard and pallid face due to blood deficiency.

Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosa: Removes heat from the blood, nourishes yin to enrich the blood, relieves mental strain and strengthens the lung, invigorates pulse- beat, replenishes marrow essence, promotes growth of muscles.

Herba Leonurus Heterophyllus: Restores menstrual flow, promotes blood circulation, regulates menstrual cycle, detoxifies the body, improves bowel movement, cures vaginal bleeding during pregnancy due to accumulation of wind- heat in blood.

Salvia Miltiorrhiza Radix: Promotes blood circulation, increases cell metabolism, prevents aging.

ü For Youthful Young Girls

Promotes development of uterus, ovary, breast, bones and body; whitens the skins, promotes delicate skin, enhances breast, builds graceful figure.

ü For Matured Ladies

Increases tightening and expansion function of uterus to tighten up the vaginal muscles, increases connubial bliss; regulates menstrual cycle, smoothens menstrual flow; beautify face; regulates all the internal organs to develop healthy physiological function.

ü For Middle-Aged Women

Regulates and keeps fit., maintains balanced hormone level, gets rid of unmentionable diseases, have cheerful, high spirited and joyful life.

ü For Old Women

Women who faced menopause secrete 20% lesser of estrogen. FemmeCare regulates secretion of hormone, nourishes and strengthens the body, prevents ageing of bones and organs, contributes to longevity.

The most distinguished features about FemmeCare from its function of regulating, nourishing and tonifying uterus, ovary and other vital organs while regulating female sex hormones to a balanced level and getting rid of women unmentionable diseases. Its ingredients are proven by modern medical science that they have the function of regulating uterus, ovary and sex hormones of women. All the herbal ingredients are selected based on the combination theory of Chinese and Western medicine. The classic principles of traditional Chinese medicine that emphasized to regulate the liver, spleen, kidney, Chong and Ren channels of women and the physiological theory, pathological theory and theory on hormones of the modern medicine are applied.

5 Unique Function of FemmeCare

1) Regulates Female Sex Hormone

Hormones are being distributed to our whole body via blood circulation. It has a vital regulating effect on our body metabolism, growth and development, reproductive system. Ladies are awarded a sacred mission to give birth, hence their physical structure are definitely special and particular. FemmeCare promotes normal secretion of estrogen hormone, androgen hormone and progesterone hormone in women”s body. It strengthens women’s reproductive system for a healthy development of fetus and smooth delivery. FemmeCare regulates female sex hormones to a well-balanced level to get rid of all unmentionable diseases faced by women during menopause period.

2) Regulates & Nourishes Uterus

Ladies suffered from blood loss and shedding of the endometrium lining during menstruation. FemmeCare replenishes nutrients for re-growth of uterine lining. FemmeCare strengthens the expansion and contraction function of uterus. Its ability to become wider or narrower allows the vagina expands to accommodate a growing fetus and contracts to enhance the pleasure of intimate moments.

3) Regulates & Nourishes Ovary

FemmeCare regulates women’s ovary to secrete estrogen hormone and progesterone hormone for tender, delicate and bright complexion. This enables women to be seductive in appearance and attractive in manner. Experiments proved that FemmeCare enhances the queen bee’s ability of laying eggs. It regulates and nourishes ovary, provides energy to ovary in order for it to ovulate regularly. FemmeCare helps to get pregnant.

4) Regulates Pituitary Hormone

The pituitary body secretes various kinds of hormones to regulate our growth, development and endocrine gland activities as well. FemmeCare regulates the pituitary body to increase the metabolism of cells, prevent any abnormal conditions happen to women’s body and their physiological function. It keeps you in a pink of health and prolongs your life.

5) Detoxify, Anti- ageing

Many acidic substances are produced in our body. This is what we called free radicals that are harmful to our cells. Therefore, free radical is a factor that leads to ageing. FemmeCare has the function of detoxifying, lubricating the intestines, dispelling free radicals and anti-ageing. FemmeCare restores a youthful and energetic looks for you!


2 -4 capsules each time, 2-3 times daily. Best to be consume before meal.

Price: RM138(WM) RM145 (EM) (500g x 60 cap)