Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"玉女宝" FEMMECARE 让您享受为人母亲的喜悦 (English Version below)

贵为女性调补珍品之一的玉 女寶是一種女性專用的保健品.無論哪一年齡層次的女士服用,玉女寶都會毫無限制的將體內毒素通過腸道,尿道,血道,淋巴道等四大途徑排出體外.本品集醫療 保 健,美容,排毒于一體;具有滋補,營養,調理保健女性子宮,卵巢,垂體等多個重要臟器;調理女荷爾蒙,并增加女性夫妻生活樂趣等多項特點。

野人參: 治贫血,腎臟病,子宮病;促進血液運行,振作精神,提高免疫功能。
冬蟲草: 補肺腎,壯元氣,益精髓,加強生殖系統功能。
杜 仲: 補腰腎,稳固胎盘,入肝補虚,肝主筋,則強筋健骨。
肉 桂: 對老人體弱者,扶火歸陽,温中逐寒,強胃健脾,提升消化系統功能。
當 歸: 補血清血排毒素,潤腸胃泽皮膚,增強子宮收縮舒張功能。
川 芎: 行氣開郁,消除頭痛眩暈,補肝散風,治婦人經血之病。
地 黃: 功能涼血熱,滋陰養血,養心益肺,通血脈,填骨髓,長肌肉。
調經草: 通經收斂藥,消水行血,調經解毒,通大小便,治血風胎漏。
丹 參: 促進血液循環,紅血球旺盛;增加細胞新陳代謝,抗酸防老.

玉女寶的最大特點乃是中西醫結合的理論為基礎,根據古典的中醫原理,從女性體內的肝,脾,腎及沖任二脈來加以調理;然后再結合現代醫學的生理,病理及荷爾 蒙理論,選擇中藥中經現代醫學研究,證實對女性子宮,卵巢及荷爾蒙具有調理作用的中藥成份來調理營養,滋補女性體內子宮,卵巢等重要臟器並且調節平衡女性 荷爾蒙,消除一切婦女暗病雜症。

激 素,又稱荷爾蒙,進入血液分佈全身;對人體的新陳代謝,生長發育和繁殖起重要調節作用。女性負起生育的天職,生理構造自然特殊。玉女寶促進女性體內雌體 素,雄激素,孕體素分泌正常,加強生殖系統功能,使胎兒健全孕育,順利分娩.玉女寶調節女性荷爾蒙处於平衡狀態,消除婦女更年期的一切暗病雜症。






价格: RM138 (西马) RM145 (东马) (500g x 60 粒)


陈氏夫妇 Kuching

我們结婚后生下一个女儿, 在没有任何避孕措施下, 接下来的五年里都无法再怀孕, 因此着急无比. 到处寻找处方及补品, 吃了不少产品, 可是多年来却都无法如愿再次怀孕.

2006年中,从朋友口中得知刘哲峰教授的产品曾经帮助了很多女性解决不孕的问题, 于是向益福恩古晋代理了解后, 买了三盒《玉女宝》开始服用. 一个 月后也正是12月份, 正好刘哲峰教授受邀来古晋举行健康讲座会, 于是买票去听, 同时会后给刘哲峰教授把脉咨询. 刘教授告知我的子宫寒及卵巢开始改 善, 继续调养下去应该就可受孕.

他建议我《玉女宝》的服用量增加到每日三次,每次三到四粒, 同时再加《玉女调理汤》(可服用目前改良玉 女汤,方便服用 ), 每星期炖一包来喝. 结果在听从刘教授的方法服用了一个多月后, 月经没来了, 我到妇产科检查结果是我怀孕了. 当时的心情是多么的开心, 总算让我如愿以偿了. 于是就请益福恩代理代问刘教授, 怀孕后还可服用 么. 刘教授告知《玉女宝》继续服用到三到四个月才停止. 产后再继续服用以调整荷尔蒙, 补血, 收缩子宫与避免子宫下垂及塑身.

在2007年尾我顺利的生下了一个儿子. 非常感谢益福恩保健有限公司, 刘哲峰教授, 及当地代理及好友.

Joyce Chin 30岁 Kota Kinabalu

我结婚三年仍然无法怀孕, 经过检查后, 证实是我的子宫及卵巢太弱而无法受孕, 因此吃了不少的补品如当归,高丽参及某些保健品等. 花了很多钱却还是没有结果.

在一个偶然的机会, 在一个宴会上碰到一位小学同学, 问我为何还不生个孩子, 我告诉她我的情况. 她告诉我曾听说西马有个叫刘哲峰教授的产品曾经帮助过一些因子宫寒或卵巢不能正常排卵的女性怀孕, 於是我托她帮我打听刘教授的联络处. 结果兜兜转转的才得知那间经销公司已经没有了, 还好最后从刘哲峰教授的《脉中行》书中得到其公司电话.

致电询问后才被告知刘哲峰教授的系列产品目前由益福恩保健有限公司以传统方式在推广着. 正好我先生要出差到吉隆坡, 於是交代他到公司去了解. 回来时就买了三个月疗程的《玉女宝》与《玉女调理汤》给我. 他则买了《动力源》来服用. 在服用了三个月后发现怕冷的情况改善了, 腰酸不再, 精神状况好很多, 却未有怀孕. 於是打电话到益福恩去询问, 在转问刘教授后, 建议我再服用多三个月. 由于听说之前有好多成功的例子, 就姑且再试多一个疗程.
过后我才多服用半个月后就发现月经没来, 经检测后证实我怀孕了. 那心情真是非笔墨语言能形容. 因此马上致电 询问可否继续服用, 公司负责人建议服用到三个月. 同时解说产后为何要继续服用《玉女宝》. 现在我都长期服用《玉女宝》了.当然每三个月都会停约一个月. 感谢益福恩公司及刘教授的好产品, 告诉大家, 我又怀孕了, 2008年尾我的第二个宝宝将会诞生.

扬丽晶  38岁  Kelantan

我结婚多年也怀孕多次, 但却没有一次成功, 胎儿都在几个月内流产掉. 在我证实第五次怀孕时, 我那住在吉隆坡的妹妹告诉我, 她因服用了益福恩的保健品而改善了她的健康问题而成为益福恩的代理商. 我 因此了解到公司的《玉女宝》曾经帮助过无数的女性解决了及流产问题. 他在电话中劝我买来吃. 我一向来都不太接触中医中草药, 所以也不太相信. 结果那一次最后还是流产了. 过后妹妹回乡时骂了我一顿, 同时详细地给我说明, 我才开始服用《玉女宝》.

过了两个月后我又再怀孕了, 於是叫妹妹问清楚刘哲峰教授怀孕了还可服用吗, 以及服用量. 刘教授交代说: 医生的药照样服用, 同时每日服用三次, 每次三~四粒(与服用西药隔开两小时), 每个星期炖三次《玉女调理汤》服用, 服用到怀孕四个月才停止. 为保住胎儿, 我听从刘教授的劝告, 但是我却很怕吃药, 因此每日服用两次《玉女宝》三粒及每星期炖两次《玉女调理汤》喝.

很开心的诉告大家, 经过调理后,最后我总算顺利的生下期盼已久的第一个孩子.

非常感谢益福恩及刘教授. 由于信心已有, 产后我听取公司的建议继续服用《玉女宝》, 以尽快达到朔身, 调整荷尔蒙, 收缩子宫及防止子宫下垂, 恢复我的健康体质.

林诗敏  23岁  吉隆坡

本人每月都面对月经周期的困扰, 已经多年, 每当月事来潮时都痛不欲生, 几乎无法工作, 因此而拿病假是常有的事, 我还以为这是女性必然面对的月事. 最近几个月开始出现淡白色的液体.

在一次偶然情况下与前同事谈起, 才知道那是可以改善的. 因为她妹妹也曾经经历过类似我的情况, 后来经过妈妈的朋友介绍某种产品服用而改善至痊愈. 於是我托她帮助我拿那个产品合子给我, 经过电话局查询到公司的电话, 於是我马上打电话到益福恩询问. 从电话中我告诉公司负责人我的情况后, 得到答案是《玉女宝》可以帮助我减轻经痛及体质虚弱所引起的白带, 但是必须一到三个月的疗程. 於是我就先买了两合《玉女宝》开始服用, 果真在月事来潮时, 就感觉到没有以前那么痛了, 经过三个月的疗程后, 白带问题也解决了. 同时我也发现以前早上醒来时都感觉好像睡不够, 不想起床, 现在每次醒来时, 都能够精神抖擞的马上起床. 现在我还继续服用《玉女宝》以保持我的身体健康.

Julie  48岁  Johor

我 在去年尾, 月经忽然无故缺席, 而且脚部外皮层处时有麻痹感, 胸闷, 脾气异常暴躁, 无法安眠, 感觉全身不适, 痛苦不堪. 通过朋友咨询刘哲峰教授后, 才知道原来(月经不再来)是更年期症候群.於是听取建议, 开始服用《玉女宝》与《调气顺》来调理身体. 经过一个月的调理后, 那些不适的症状已很少出现了. 如今我还长期服用《玉女宝》以保持身体的健康.

FemmeCare is a health care product that specially formulated for ladies It eliminates toxins in the body of all ages of ladies via intestines, urethra, blood vessels and lymph ducts. FemmeCare combines the function of medical health care, beauty treatment and detoxifying. It nourishes, regulates and takes care of ladies’ uterus, ovary, pituitary and other important organs while regulates female sex hormones and helps women enjoy fulfilling intimate moments.

Unique & Valuable Formulation of FemmeCare

Wild Ginseng: Cures anemia, kidney disease, uterus disease, promotes blood circulation, enables you to be in high spirits, increase immunity

Cordyceps Sinensis: Tones up the lung and kidney, strengthens the body’s strength, supplements marrow essence, strengthens the function of the reproductive system

Radix Angelicae Sinensis: Enriches & cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body, lubricates the intestines, restores skin lustre, increases the tightening up and expansion function of uterus.

Radix Bupleurum Chinense: Cures metreptosis, irregular menstruation, fatigue due to blood deficiency and deficiency of yin.

Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae: Invigorates blood circulation, eliminates stasis, cures amenorrhea due to blood stasis, cures menstrual pain, enriches the blood to regulate menstrual cycle, cures haggard and pallid face due to blood deficiency.

Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosa: Removes heat from the blood, nourishes yin to enrich the blood, relieves mental strain and strengthens the lung, invigorates pulse- beat, replenishes marrow essence, promotes growth of muscles.

Herba Leonurus Heterophyllus: Restores menstrual flow, promotes blood circulation, regulates menstrual cycle, detoxifies the body, improves bowel movement, cures vaginal bleeding during pregnancy due to accumulation of wind- heat in blood.

Salvia Miltiorrhiza Radix: Promotes blood circulation, increases cell metabolism, prevents aging.

ü For Youthful Young Girls

Promotes development of uterus, ovary, breast, bones and body; whitens the skins, promotes delicate skin, enhances breast, builds graceful figure.

ü For Matured Ladies

Increases tightening and expansion function of uterus to tighten up the vaginal muscles, increases connubial bliss; regulates menstrual cycle, smoothens menstrual flow; beautify face; regulates all the internal organs to develop healthy physiological function.

ü For Middle-Aged Women

Regulates and keeps fit., maintains balanced hormone level, gets rid of unmentionable diseases, have cheerful, high spirited and joyful life.

ü For Old Women

Women who faced menopause secrete 20% lesser of estrogen. FemmeCare regulates secretion of hormone, nourishes and strengthens the body, prevents ageing of bones and organs, contributes to longevity.

The most distinguished features about FemmeCare from its function of regulating, nourishing and tonifying uterus, ovary and other vital organs while regulating female sex hormones to a balanced level and getting rid of women unmentionable diseases. Its ingredients are proven by modern medical science that they have the function of regulating uterus, ovary and sex hormones of women. All the herbal ingredients are selected based on the combination theory of Chinese and Western medicine. The classic principles of traditional Chinese medicine that emphasized to regulate the liver, spleen, kidney, Chong and Ren channels of women and the physiological theory, pathological theory and theory on hormones of the modern medicine are applied.

5 Unique Function of FemmeCare

1) Regulates Female Sex Hormone

Hormones are being distributed to our whole body via blood circulation. It has a vital regulating effect on our body metabolism, growth and development, reproductive system. Ladies are awarded a sacred mission to give birth, hence their physical structure are definitely special and particular. FemmeCare promotes normal secretion of estrogen hormone, androgen hormone and progesterone hormone in women”s body. It strengthens women’s reproductive system for a healthy development of fetus and smooth delivery. FemmeCare regulates female sex hormones to a well-balanced level to get rid of all unmentionable diseases faced by women during menopause period.

2) Regulates & Nourishes Uterus

Ladies suffered from blood loss and shedding of the endometrium lining during menstruation. FemmeCare replenishes nutrients for re-growth of uterine lining. FemmeCare strengthens the expansion and contraction function of uterus. Its ability to become wider or narrower allows the vagina expands to accommodate a growing fetus and contracts to enhance the pleasure of intimate moments.

3) Regulates & Nourishes Ovary

FemmeCare regulates women’s ovary to secrete estrogen hormone and progesterone hormone for tender, delicate and bright complexion. This enables women to be seductive in appearance and attractive in manner. Experiments proved that FemmeCare enhances the queen bee’s ability of laying eggs. It regulates and nourishes ovary, provides energy to ovary in order for it to ovulate regularly. FemmeCare helps to get pregnant.

4) Regulates Pituitary Hormone

The pituitary body secretes various kinds of hormones to regulate our growth, development and endocrine gland activities as well. FemmeCare regulates the pituitary body to increase the metabolism of cells, prevent any abnormal conditions happen to women’s body and their physiological function. It keeps you in a pink of health and prolongs your life.

5) Detoxify, Anti- ageing

Many acidic substances are produced in our body. This is what we called free radicals that are harmful to our cells. Therefore, free radical is a factor that leads to ageing. FemmeCare has the function of detoxifying, lubricating the intestines, dispelling free radicals and anti-ageing. FemmeCare restores a youthful and energetic looks for you!


2 -4 capsules each time, 2-3 times daily. Best to be consume before meal.

Price: RM138(WM) RM145 (EM) (500g x 60 cap)

1 comment:

  1. 为现代的工作环境压力大,食品的安全,造就了不孕不育的大问题呀,我身体状况欠佳呀,并不是那么好,怀孕的机率很小,去了很多家的诊所都没反应,后来和老公商量下我们选择了这家,这样一试奇迹地有了,专业人员提供所有个人治疗方案,专业团队为我们付出看得出,采用辅助方式帮助我,80%以上成功率和速率哦 ,个人的治疗计划为每个妈妈达到积极的效果,还有想要混血儿宝宝都不是个问题哦 谢谢乌克兰彼奥泰珂斯研究中心
