Thursday, May 28, 2009

"糖得安"Bittergourd Plus

"糖得安"Bittergourd Plus 解除您对糖尿病的恐惧 (English version below)


糖尿病是由於人體胰腺分泌的胰島素不足而引起的代謝,內分泌性疾病,該病之主要臨床表現为多飲、多食、多尿、少力 (稱為三多一少) 等。胰島素分泌不足的原因包括:遺傳因素,病毒感染,自身免疫因素,胰島素拮抗激素分泌增多等。本病的发生也与肥胖、精神刺激、情绪压力、創傷、妊娠,药物,营养失调,自身免疫等因素有关,除了遗传外,中老年人与肥胖的人易得糖尿病。





北芪:益气、升气、斂气、顧護心脾腎陽气,黃芪提高和調节免疫系統及血液系統功能,改善循環和微循環,增強機體代謝和促进內分泌,提高機體應激能力和創伤修复能力。主用于糖尿病,可以降壓,降血糖, 尿糖,使葡萄糖負荷血漿水平降低,對抗腎上腺素高血糖反應。不損伤肝細胞,不引起肝糖原異生和積蓄。對气阴兩虛火旺型糖尿病也有顯著降血糖效果。





价格: RM58 (500mg x 60粒)


蔡女士  71岁  丁加奴


去年小女儿从吉隆坡带回来几种刘哲峰教授的产品,介绍给她姐姐吃,也给我留下两种,说是对我的高血压与糖尿病有很好疗效,可是我却放着没吃。后来看到我的儿子与女儿们服用刘教授的《清热灵》,《玉女宝》和《筋骨通丸》都很见效,我自己也试过《清热灵》,的确很有效,因此在有一天我检查到血压又高了,就打电话问小女看是否可以与西药一起服用,结果问了刘教授后,她告诉我只要与西药隔开两小时就可以了。因此我开始服用《银杏泡参田七丸》,在我服用了一个月两罐 的疗程后,就发现到血压开始很平稳了,因此我才开始也服用《糖得安》。


Jacky Soon  33岁  吧生

由于我的工作性质是必须全马各地跑,因此几乎三餐都在外面吃,冰水更加不用说了。两年前,我忽然感觉整个人每天都很疲倦,没有力气工作,口渴多尿,由于家 族有糖尿病遗传。已过世的母亲就是因糖尿病并发症造成的,于是决定去做个详细的体检,报告出来时,果然是血糖指数偏高,达8.7mmol,医生劝告我必须 改变日常饮食习惯,才能避免患上糖尿病。

由于全马各地美食太多了,加上炎热的气侯,刘哲峰教授出品的《清热灵》早在六年前已是我家居出外的保护神。有了它我才能享受美食,尤其是煎炸烧烤的美食。 因此我就到刘教授的门诊处买降血糖的药来吃。吃了一个月的疗程后,整个人精神就改善了,当我向益福恩保健有限公司买《清热灵》时,益福恩已开始卖《糖得 安》了,我就这样继续买《糖得安》来服用。

一个月后,当我再次检查时血糖指数已下降到6.8mmol。这两年多以来我曾经间断过服用《糖得安》一个时期,结果血糖指数又再上升,因此我唯有乖乖的长 期服用下去,除了偶尔完全没有控制的饮食情况下,血糖指数曾经有上升超过7点,否则血糖指数也都保持良好。

Diabetes mellitus, often simply diabetes is a syndrome characterized by disordered of metabolism. Diabetes patients’ problems come from abnormal secretion of insulin or failure of normal reaction between cells and insulin. This resulted in accumulations of glucose in our blood and it will be excreted via urine. Hence, diabetes patients suffered from loss of energy in a big quantity. Diabetes mellitus is a disease related to metabolism and endocrine system. When we eat, pancreas secretes appropriate quantity of insulin to carry blood sugar to cells for metabolism purpose. If this does not work correctly, it will lead to inappropriately high blood sugar and trigger off diabetes mellitus. A diabetes patient suffered from disordered metabolism of glucose, protein, fat, water, electrolyte and others.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease related to metabolism and endocrine system resulting from inadequate secretion of insulin. The main clinical symptoms are excessive thirst (polydipsia), excessive hunger (polyphagia), excessive urine production (polyuria) and lack of energy. Insufficient secretion of insulin may be due to factors such as heredity, viruses’ infection, self-immunity and so on. Diabetes mellitus is related to obesity, emotional upset, pressured emotion, trauma, pregnancy, consumption of medicine, unbalanced nutrition and other factors. Besides from heredity factor, middle-aged men, old men and fat men tend to suffer from diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus is considered as “life style disease”, “modern civilized disease” and “rich man’s disease”. It is a chronic lifelong disease. The most worried problem for diabetes patient is occurrence of complications. Acute chronic complications may occur if the disease is not adequately controlled. This includes chronic complications on eye, kidney nerves, skin, blood vessels, heart and other tissue and organs as well. This will lead to blindness, legs gangrene, uraemia, cerebral apoplexy or myocardial infarction.

Bittergourd Plus promotes secretion of insulin by pancreas, regulates blood sugar, gets rid of sweet urine, reduces the risk of suffering from diabetes. It nourishes the kidney and yin, supplement qi and help the production of body fluid.

Momordica Charantia Fructus

Reduces blood sugar level, clears away summer- heat, removes internal heat, quenches thirst, removes toxic substances. Cures febrile disease, excessive thirst, erysipelas, carbuncle, and maglignant boil. It increases plasma insulin level of those suffered from hyperglycaemia and increases the density of plasma insulin while accelerates metabolism of glucose.

Astragalus Membranaceus

Supplement qi, elevates the qi, astringes qi, takes care of yang qi of the heart, spleen and kidney. It regulates and increases the function of our immune system and blood circulation system. It improves circulation and microcirculation, strengthens metabolism of organism, promotes endocrine and increases wound repair ability. It is mainly used for diabetes. It able to reduce pressure and blood sugar level. It is good for sweet urination. It reduces glucose loading level and resists reaction from adrenaline high blood sugar. It does not harm liver cells and does not lead to accumulation of hepatic glycogen.

Rehmannia Glutinosa Libosch

Removes heat from the blood, promotes the production of the body fluid, nourishes yin, clears away heat, reduces blood sugar level, take cares of heart, liver and kidney’s yin. It is good for debility of heart, liver and kidney, which lead to disordered internal conditions of organism. It has a regulating function that brings about double effect on tonifying and regulating. It all- round regulates and controls biochemical of sugars and fat. It is mainly used for polydisia and diabetes. It reduces levels of blood sugar and ammonium chloride. It restores blood sugar to its normal level, dispels sweet urination and increases body weight.

Radix Panax Quinquefolii

Supplementing qi and nourishing yin. It clears away heat and promotes salivation. It removes heat from the heart and spleen. It tonifies the lung and kidney. It regulates and tonifies the five solid organs, namely the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney while tranquilizes the mind and relieves restlessness. It has an obvious effect in reducing the blood sugar level. It regulates blood- lipid. It cures complications and anti-fatigue. It nourishes yin and promotes the production of the body fluid. It promotes synthesis of protein in the liver, blood serum, bone marrow and brain. It promotes lipid metabolism.

Suitable for:

Excessive thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, getting thinner, tiredness, feel weak, poor sleeping quality, lumbago, skins feel itchy, sweet urination, increase level of blood sugar.


2-3 capsules, 2-3 times daily

Price: RM58 (500mg x 60caps)

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