Thursday, May 28, 2009

"筋骨通丸"Jin Gu Tong Wan

"筋骨通丸"Jin Gu Tong Wan 让风湿关节症大惊失色, 节节败退

在现代医学概念中风湿病是风湿性疾病的简称,泛指影响骨、关节、肌肉及其周围软组织,如滑囊、肌腱、筋膜、血管、神经等一大组疾病。涉及的范围很广泛,包括结缔组织病、脊柱关节病、退行性或代谢性骨关节病及感染性关节炎等十大类百余种疾病。风湿性疾病常表现为以下症状,1)疼痛、2)压痛、3)僵硬感、 4)肿胀、5)活动障碍。


功 能:

适 应 范 围
1) 风湿引起的腰痛, 背痛, 膝痛及全身关节痛。
2) 肝肾亏虚,下肢酸软疼痛,麻痹无力。
3) 跌打损伤或扭伤后腰骨疼痛、肌肉疼痛。
4) 坐骨神经痛,腰臀及下肢抽痛无力。
6) 风寒感冒,全身筋骨疼痛。
7) 中风半身不遂,肢体关节疼痛。
8) 风湿性关节炎,关节红肿热痛,发烧口干者,宜配服清热灵。
9) 尿酸过高,脚跟或脚背红肿疼痛者,配服清热灵或甘美茶。
10) 无病服用,可补气血,补肝肾,防止风湿邪气滞留肌肉,关节。

使 用 方 法

价格: RM88 (450mg x 100 粒)


Ivy Ng  31岁  古来 Johor

我在新加坡电子厂工作了整十年, 结婚生子后就时常有腰酸背痛, 由于工作关系更是时常扭伤腰, 为求快速止痛而得以工作, 每次都是找西医打针.

在2007年初, 我认识了益福恩保健有限公司的负责人, 他告诉我其公司有个产品对风湿, 关节痛, 全身筋骨疼痛, 跌打扭伤有很好的效果. 但是我一向来都是有病就找西医的, 更加不信市场那些保健品, 因为听太多人把产品说得像仙药似的, 结果吃了却不见得有效, 因此拒绝了他的好意.

当时正好朋友的妈妈有风湿关节痛的问题, 曾经叫我回永平时帮她买过药, 因此他要我介绍给她吃, 而留下一罐《筋骨通丸》给我。 无巧不成书,就在一个星期后的某一天早上, 我又扭伤腰了, 去找西医打针, 医生却说不能打针,因为一个月不能打超过两次.

这时正巧益福恩负责人打电话来问我有关上次留下给我的《筋骨通丸》有给我朋友妈妈吃了没有, 我告诉他对方不愿尝试, 当他知道我扭伤腰时, 建议我不如服用它。 由于医生不帮我打针, 痛得不能工作, 於是在没有办法之下,就听其劝告马上服用四粒, 一天服用了三次, 虽然无法止痛, 但是也感觉到比较舒服些.

第二天睡醒后就感觉到好了一半, 可以去工作了. 连续服用了约五六天就全好了. 后来谈起因工作加班,睡眠不足而常要发热气生病, 他建议我每当感觉有热气时就服用《清热灵》以解热. 从此以后《筋骨通丸》及《清热丸》就成为我的家居良伴, 而且令我减少了因发热而伤风感冒, 由于我的体质较差, 后来我每天也都服用两包《生命素》以补充营养及改善体质. 目前我的体质已经有很大的改善.

Daniel Toh  41岁

由于十多年来完全没有任何运动, 就与几位同事开始相约每星期打羽球一小时。谁晓得 才开始第一次, 打完球后我就全身痛了, 通过朋友得知《筋骨通丸》对全身筋骨疼痛, 跌打扭伤有很好的效果, 於是就买来试用. 果真服用后的第二天就觉得全身松透, 没那么痛了. 几天后就全好了.

过后,另外有一次打球时扭伤腰骨(年轻时曾经扭伤过的旧患处), 痛得晚上不能直躺着睡而必须侧身而睡, 我马上想到《筋骨通丸》,结果那一次我一天服四次,每次四粒, 隔天我就整个腰都松了, 不会拉得紧紧的, 虽然疼痛减少一些而已, 却已经很好了. 这次服用了两罐才痊愈. 因此《筋骨通丸》已成为我每次筋骨扭伤时的好医生.

刘老板 Kuala Lumpur

长期以来,我无肉就吃不下饭,所以现在是超级胖子一个。由于体重超重因此很多健康上的问题就一一的浮现了。我每个晚上都难以入眠,往往只能睡个两三个小 时;可是白天却头昏眼花,昏昏欲睡;此外,我手脚的关节也常疼痛,走路气喘,尤其上下搂梯时上气不接下气,更是有苦自己知。

自从我认识了《Bio Nutri 生命素》及《筋骨通丸》后,我早晚各喝一包《Bio Nutri 生命素》,及吃各三粒的《筋骨通丸》。在喝完一盒的《Bio Nutri 生命素》和一段时间的《筋骨通丸》后,我就感觉状况有所改善,连续喝第二盒时,晚上我就可以较易的入睡,自然隔天的精神自然会比较好,行动也较灵活,不再像以往般的气喘。


In the concept of modern medicine, rheumatism is a shortened term for rheumatic disorders. Generally, it refers to illness affecting the bones, joints, muscles and the parenchyma around them. For instance, synovial bursa, muscles tendon, fascia anadesma, blood vessels, nerves and so forth. Rheumatic disorders cover such a range of diseases. These include desmosis, arthrosis, retrograde osteoarthropathy, metabolic osteoarthropathy, inflectional arthritis and other ten kinds of diseases which comprises of hundred of diseases. Rheumatism is characterized by pain, tenderness, stiffness, swelling and restriction or hindrance in normal activity.

Jin Gu Tong Wan is a natural herbal preparation from Dr. Liu Zhe Feng, famous nutritionist and food cures specialist. It is an empirical formula based on his more than 20 years of clinical experience. Fast treatment effect can be seen from consumption of Jin Gu Tong Wan and it has no side effects on our liver and kidney.

Jin Gu Tong Wan is a natural herbaceous preparation. It contains Radix Gentiana Macrophyllae, Ledebouriella Divaricate Radix, Caulis Lonicerae Japonica, Siegesbckia Pubescens Herba, Hamalomena Occulta Schott, Cortex Euonymi Ulmoides, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, Achyranthes Bidentata Radix, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae and Radix Angelicae Sinensis. It helps to relieve arthralgia due to rheumatism, muscle pain, strained ligament tendon and retinervus pain.


Artirheumatic, expels wind- cold pathogen, promotes blood circulation, relieves numbness pain, invigorates qi, enriches blood, tonifies the liver and kidney, strengthens the waist and knee, strengthens the bone, tendon and muscle.

Suitable for:

1. Lumbago, backache, knee pain and arthralgia of whole body due to rheumatism.

2. Deficiency of liver- yin and kidney- yin, aching and limp of lower limb, palsy and adynamia.

3. Lumbago and muscle pain due to injuries from falls or being strained.

4. Sciatica, weak waist, buttocks and lower limb with tic pain.

5. For those who always take bath at night or take cold shower, those who always in air-conditioned area but seldom sweat. Taking Jin Gu Tong Wan regularly helps to expel wind- cold pathogen and prevent rheumatism.

6. Wind- cold type of common cold, pain in muscle and joint of whole body.

7. Apoplexy, hemiplegia, joint pain of limb.

8. For those who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, pain and swelling of joint, fever and dry mouth, Jin Gu Tong Wan should be taking together with Qing Re Wan, Heatiness Relieving Capsule.

9. For those who suffered from gout, high level of uric acid becoming stagnated in body, pain and swelling of heel and instep, Jin Gu Tong Wan should be taking together with Qing Re Wan(Heatiness Relieving Capsule) or SP Cooling Tea.

10. For those who do not face any health care problem, Jin Gu Tong Wan helps to invigorate qi, enrich blood, invigorate the liver and kidney, prevent rheumatism and pathogenic factor from being stagnated in muscle and joint.


For treatment purpose: 2-4 capsules, 3 times daily, consume after meal

For health care purpose: 1-2 capsules, 2 times daily

Abstain from consumption of cold, sour, hot and spicy food. Ensure your body is warmed and do not catch in rain or paddle in water.

Price: RM88 (450mg x 100 caps)

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